Family enjoying dinner together

What is Culture Anyway? Where Does it Live, and Why Does it Matter?

Articles Oct 8, 2021

At The Diversity Movement, we talk often about how to “improve organizational culture,” “build a more inclusive culture,” and “unlock workplace cultures of excellence.” In fact, I’d say “culture” is one of our biggest points of focus, and that’s because we know how important it is for organizations that want to succeed in the modern marketplace.

Corporate culture makes a critical difference in a business’s potential to attract top talent, nurture productivity and collaboration, insist on excellence, reach its growth goals, and expand its market reach. We teach the organizations we work with how to shift their existing cultures to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive so that every employee is encouraged and able to contribute their best possible work. Yet, we also understand that “culture” can be a slippery term: sometimes ambiguous, jargony, and vague, other times clear but overused.


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A disruptor in the world of diversity training vendors, our experts leverage the intersection of education, coaching, technology, and analytics to help build thriving, sustainable workplace cultures.