Image showing work and measurement being done at desk

What Gets Measured, Gets Done: Measuring the Effectiveness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Webinars Mar 18, 2021

March 18, 2021

Your company understands the business case for diversity and inclusion. But how are you measuring and reporting the success of your DEI initiatives?

If you struggle to communicate the true value behind your DEI initiatives and want a game plan to confidently assess and report this data to your leadership team you don’t want to miss this important webinar.

In this webinar, TDM’s Head of Consulting, Florence Holland, Ed.D., and TDM’s DEI Consultant and Data Specialist, Oriana Leach, Ph.D. share:

  • What you should and should not be measuring in your DEI initiatives
  • The top data collection techniques to assess your DEI initiatives
  • The 3 ‘must-haves’ to assess your organization’s progress toward your DEI goals
  • The key to assessing your organization’s ROI of DEI


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A disruptor in the world of diversity training vendors, our experts leverage the intersection of education, coaching, technology, and analytics to help build thriving, sustainable workplace cultures.