Latinx man in fruit section of supermarket with shop worker helping him

How DEI Training Will Improve Your Front Line

Articles Nov 18, 2021

Frontline employees are the face of your organization and represent your corporate values when interacting with customers, clients, and consumers. Traditionally, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) education and training has been focused on inclusion efforts within an organization. However, investing in DEI education pathways for your frontline employees also ensures that your organization’s values are expressed outwardly to the people you serve.

As you consider your current and potential markets, you are likely to find that your frontline employees engage with people from all different backgrounds -- all genders, ethnicities, races, socioeconomic origins, religions, nationalities, and more. The United States’ population is diversifying even faster than scientists predicted, and in fact, just last year, the Brookings Institute reported that “nearly 4 of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than White.”

How do you make sure that your customer-facing employees are trained to act inclusively toward all of your organization’s critical stakeholders, including your customers, clients, and consumers? Integrate brief, to-the-point learning into the flow of work.


Guest Author

The Diversity Movement features DEI experts from across the country. Check the bottom of the content piece for more information about the guest author.