Religious Judaic objects used for prayer - a shofar, tallis, and prayer book.

What is Yom Kippur?

Guidebooks May 25, 2023

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is a Jewish holiday dedicated to coming together in community to reflect, ask forgiveness for wrongdoings committed during the past year, and resolve to do better going forward. For millennia, Yom Kippur has been regarded as the most important, solemn, and holy day in the annual Jewish calendar.

Throughout the ages, Jews have repeatedly been subjected to persecution, discrimination, and exclusion in societies worldwide, and that antisemitism (hostility or prejudice toward Jewish people) is still present in American society. For this reason, it’s especially important to ensure that people of all religions and religious backgrounds, including Judaism, are protected by your company’s policies and included in your company culture. Our guide to Yom Kippur describes how you can create a more welcoming workplace for people of all faiths.


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