Religious Judaic objects used for prayer - a shofar, tallis, and prayer book.

Understanding (and Respecting) the Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur

Articles Aug 14, 2023

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is a Jewish holiday dedicated to coming together in community to reflect, ask forgiveness for wrongdoings committed during the past year, and resolve to do better going forward. For millennia, Yom Kippur has been regarded as the most important, solemn, and holy day in the annual Jewish calendar.

Because Jewish holidays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar, the date of Yom Kippur may fall in a range from September 14 to October 14 each year, always 10 days following the Jewish New Year holiday, Rosh Hashanah. This full 10-day period is known as the Jewish High Holy Days.


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