Shot of an older businessman and businesswoman shaking hands in a modern office

Simple Ways to Fight Age-Related Bias in the 50+ Job Search

Articles Jul 13, 2022

Starting in 2020, millions of older workers took early retirement, contributing to The Great Resignation, but for most people, leaving work at age 55 isn’t possible or desirable. In fact, many of those pandemic retirees are now rejoining the workforce.

Once-comfortable budgets are now a lot tighter thanks to shrinking investment income and higher prices on nearly everything, especially food, fuel, and healthcare. Rising salaries, more flexible schedules, and fewer COVID concerns also make working more attractive. Plus, many people find that they miss working. Studies show that working later in life has health benefits including better mental acuity and more social connections.

Add those personal motivations to the tight labor market, and it would seem like older job-seekers would have no trouble finding meaningful work. However, age discrimination, age-related bias, and stubborn stereotypes can make finding a job difficult for older workers.

2 out of 3 workers between ages 45 and 74 have seen or experienced age-related bias, according to AARP.


Amber Keister

Amber (she/her) is a Certified Diversity Executive and content strategist for The Diversity Movement. She writes, researches, and edits TDM articles, guides, videos, and more.