Inclusive caregivers interacting with their loved ones

National Family Caregivers Month

Guidebooks May 26, 2023

Celebrated in the U.S. since 2012, November is National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM). Around 1 in 5 Americans identify as family caregivers, yet only 56% of those caregivers say their workplace is aware of their caregiving responsibilities. Acknowledging NFCM and the individual family caregivers on your team should be part of your larger efforts toward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

NFCM also provides an opportunity to do the following at your organization:

  • Create a more inclusive work environment that acknowledges, respects, and provides support for all dimensions of diversity
  • Raise awareness of family caregiver issues
  • Educate family caregivers about self-identification
  • Revise existing policies or establish systems in support of family caregiver employees

Our guidebook, created in collaboration with BAYADA Home Health Care, explores this dimension of diversity and ways your organization can support family caregiver employees. In short, it’s time to care for the caregivers.


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