An inclusive leader collaborates with a team member

Inclusive Leadership: Master Self-Awareness to Make Better Business Decisions

Articles Feb 5, 2024

When facing a big decision, how many of us have been told to “follow your heart”? The power of instinctual thought is lauded in leadership biographies and articles touting “the split-second decision that changed my life.” But what if those stories hold power because their favorable outcomes were unusual? Instinct is fine when picking a vacation destination, but for decisions that truly matter, self-awareness is a better roadmap.

Self-aware individuals understand all the ways they are influenced by hidden biases, assumptions, and expectations. They recognize their strengths and weaknesses, the gaps in their knowledge, and when they need better data to make the right choice. And, while self-aware executives may rely on the occasional quick decision, those choices will be grounded in data, derived from a deep understanding of their personal motivations,  diverse stakeholder viewpoints, and a keen knowledge of the business environment. 


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The Diversity Movement features DEI experts from across the country. Check the bottom of the content piece for more information about the guest author.