Several people with their hands touching

Photo by Hannah Busing / Unsplash

How to Be an Active Ally

Guidebooks Mar 17, 2023

Our guide to being an active ally is a go-to resource for business leaders committed to creating an inclusive work environment. With a focus on practical strategies and examples, this guide highlights active allyship's critical role in promoting social justice and business success.

Our guide answers the essential question, "What is active allyship?" It also explains how to be an ally to different marginalized groups, including disabled individuals, racially and culturally diverse individuals, veterans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. It also provides tips for having courageous conversations and engaging in nonjudgmental dialogue, explains the difference between "calling out" and "calling in," and offers guidance on effective apologies. Download our guide and start learning how to be an active ally, the importance of educating oneself on issues related to allyship, checking biases, understanding privilege, facing difficult emotions like fear and discomfort, and speaking up when necessary.


Kaela Sosa

Along with Susie Silver

Kaela (she/her) is a Certified Diversity Executive and curriculum and programming manager at The Diversity Movement. She applies her writing, project management, and production skills to advance DEI.