Woman coding with room of servers in background

Guest Blog: The Tech Industry’s Role In Tackling Unconscious Bias

Articles Jul 28, 2021

Technology impacts the majority of humans on the planet, but there is a vast inequity in who benefits from technological innovation. The opportunity to access, develop, and profit from technology is imbalanced, available mainly to the wealthy, and the connected.

When an industry is controlled by a majority in terms of gender and ethnicity, the result is often bias and discrimination baked into the infrastructure of innovation. This unconscious bias has huge ramifications as technological innovation becomes ingrained into everyday life -- from lifestyle-improving tech to the systems governing society. When the technology designed for predictive policing, facial recognition, and bail predictions, among others, are prejudiced, civil rights are at stake.


Guest Author

The Diversity Movement features DEI experts from across the country. Check the bottom of the content piece for more information about the guest author.