Employee Engagement Survey Questions that Really Measure Company Culture

Articles Aug 1, 2024

Employee engagement is the cornerstone of any successful company. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and present than their disengaged counterparts. However, employee engagement is disturbingly low, reaching just 23% globally

This lack of engagement remains despite various initiatives promised to increase morale: programs such as leadership retreats, team-building activities, pizza lunches, and happy hours. This leaves leadership speechless, wondering “Why aren’t my current efforts working?”

In order to improve engagement, organizations must first accurately measure employee morale. Organization leaders can only improve if they know where they currently stand and where the challenges are. Initiatives must be data-driven and strategic. There are many ways to measure engagement, but the widely used employee survey is worth digging into.


Kaela Sosa

Kaela (she/her) is a Certified Diversity Executive and curriculum and programming manager at The Diversity Movement. She applies her writing, project management, and production skills to advance DEI.