Lanyards featuring different LGBTQ+ identity terms

Photo by Patrick Fore / Unsplash

Common Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities

Checklists Sep 27, 2023

Discover the rich tapestry of LGBTQIA+ identity terms in this definitions list, which presents common sexual orientations and gender identities. This list is just the tip of the iceberg in this diverse world. From well-known terms like "gay" and "lesbian" to more nuanced identities such as "genderqueer" and "pansexual," this resource provides insight into the spectrum of human diversity. We emphasize the importance of using these terms respectfully to promote acceptance and understanding and encourage you to continue your own learning journey through research, courageous conversations, and self-reflection. Whether you're a member of the community, an ally, or simply seeking knowledge, this list empowers you to engage in meaningful conversations and create a more inclusive world for all.


Kaela Sosa

Kaela (she/her) is a Certified Diversity Executive and curriculum and programming manager at The Diversity Movement. She applies her writing, project management, and production skills to advance DEI.