Ask the Expert: Leading with Empathy and Centering Diverse Perspectives
Through our work with hundreds of clients, The Diversity Movement has connected with thousands of fascinating people who are creating more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces and communities. For this “Ask the Expert” series, we invite leaders to talk about their DEI journey, lessons they’ve learned, and what inspires them every day.
Abha Bowers, CEO of Walk West

Abha Bowers is CEO of Walk West, a North Carolina-based marketing and branding agency. Abha has led teams through global, national, and regional marketing efforts for organizations such as Tiffany & Co., State Street Global Advisors, Nestle Purina, and American Express. Abha is actively engaged within the Triangle community as Vice Chair of Marketing and Communications for the Raleigh Chamber Executive Committee, as well as via Board Memberships and volunteerism at organizations such as Haven House, Band Together, the Women's International Forum, and the NC Tech Association. Abha is also a Certified Nutrition Coach and Performance Coach at ISI Elite Training, coaching group fitness sessions in her free time.