Diversity Beyond the Checkbox

Addressing Ableism and Creating an Inclusive Society, with Catarina Rivera

Podcasts Jun 6, 2023

Join Catarina Rivera, DEI consultant and founder of Blindish Latina, as she shares her personal journey navigating the world with Usher Syndrome, a progressive condition impacting her hearing and vision. As a TEDx speaker and advocate, Catarina sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and offers insights on breaking down disability stigmas. Discover her expertise in improving accessibility, fostering inclusion, and empowering companies to design better products and retain employees. Gain valuable knowledge on overcoming internalized ableism, embracing one’s unique journey, and collectively creating a more accessible and inclusive world for all.


Jackie Ferguson

Jackie (she/her) is a Certified Diversity Executive and vice president of Content and Programming for The Diversity Movement. She wrote the best-seller The Inclusive Language Handbook.